Thursday, May 7, 2009

We've reached the final marking period

We've made it to May, and tomorrow is the last day of the marking period. Monday starts our 6th and final marking period which is spent finishing up the curriculum, and spending time on the review necessary to help students be successful on their final assessment. After school review sessions will start soon, and a schedule will be available for your review. Students will be able to sign up for one or many sessions, or even pop in at the last minute.

The curriculum left to cover deals with the successes and problems of the early United States, including a discussion on manifest destiny and movement westward. We will begin to look at the problems that lead to the Civil War, which is where the 8th grade curriculum picks up. Keep encouraging your students to do outside reading and review as it will all help them in the end.

Hope to see many of you at the parent teacher conferences on Thursday May 14th!

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