Friday, November 14, 2008

Thrilled to be back and working with my students!

I'm happy to be returning to the classroom on Monday 11/17 after having 8 wonderful weeks with our new addition. I will work with the students to wrap up their unit looking at the explorers and conquistadors, and all scholars should expect a formal assessment of the material before Thanksgiving recess. Our next unit will be colonization, and students have some fun and interesting projects to look forward to, along with being introduced to writing the Social Studies essays, following the guidelines and format that will be necessary to succeed in history classes moving forward.

Please keep emailing me or contacting me with your concerns and questions.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Welcome to November

Hello STAR Cluster and Wilson Family.

Early November finds students studing about the early explorers and conquistadors that arrived in North America to explore and conquer new land. Things are progressing well under the direction of Mrs. Yatteau who has been in the classroom in my absence. I will be returning to the classroom on Monday November 17th, and look forward to getting back to interacting with the scholars. Be on the look-out for Social Studies projects right around the corner.

Hope everyone is enjoying the fall season, especially with this unexpected nice weather we're experiencing this week. Take care, and see you soon.

Mrs. Locker

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Early October and the last 2 weeks of the marking period


I hope all students and families are doing well in my absence. Just a note for all that the marking period will be wrapping up on October 17th with report cards being mailed before the end of the month. Students should keep on top of their work, and all assignments from Mrs. Yatteau. The STAR Cluster incentive program is still in process, with the incentive to be awarded on October 31st. Keep practicing those good habits and behaviors to earn your daily STAR in all core classes.

Work hard and exceed expectations. See you all soon.
Mrs. Locker

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Wrapping up Geography

Our Geography Unit is coming to an end, with a quiz on 9/17 and 9/18 for all scholars. We have looked at the geography of the U.S. and the world along with focusing on major geographic features vocabulary and locations. Students completed their topographical "Macaroni" maps which look wonderful. Check back for pictures soon. We will be moving into our unit on First Peoples of North America, starting with the migration here from Asia and moving into the Native People of our region. More information on that will be coming soon. Be sure to check back often.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Welcome to the School Year

You have reached the blogspot for Social Studies in the Star Cluster. Thoughout the year, I will post updates and information on what is happening in our classroom for your information, research, and academic progress. There will be video clips and games, review sites, and more that are put here for your use. Check back often to see what is happening.